Three hours to activate your account
During the registration process, an activation link will be sent to the email address provided at registration.
From then on, the user has 3 hours to activate his registration, i.e. to confirm that he/she is registered and wants to become a registered member.
Log out & Deactivation
Twenty-four hours & Thirty days inactivity limits
If the user does not show any activity on the site for 3 hours, the user will be logged out.
If the user does not show any activity on the site for 25 days, a reminder email will be sent to the user, and if there is no activity after that time, the account will be deleted.
App Download
All mobile apps are available on the Play Store.
Our iOS apps are currently brewing.
Just like a good cup of coffee, they need a little bit of love and support to be ready.
If you're excited to see our apps on the App Store, consider supporting us.
↓↓↓ For details scroll down to Cool-Coffee! ↓↓↓
Your contribution will help us bring our apps to iOS faster. Stay tuned for updates!
Fuel Our Creativity
Hey there, fellow explorer! 👋 If you like what we're doing and the direction we're heading, and would like to see more exciting features & apps, consider fueling our creativity.
Think of it as buying us a cup of coffee ☕️.
Every sip energizes us to code more, design more, and dream more. Your support, no matter how small, makes a big difference in our quest for better and bolder innovations.
Thank you for being part of our adventure! - Buy Us a Coffee ☕︎